Year 2

In Year 2 there is a strong emphasis on showing care as God showed us through his Son. Christian Studies is taught as a specific subject as well as an integrated component embedded in many curriculum areas.

There is also a strong focus on developing many important processes and skills, namely in Literacy and Numeracy.

Literacy skills are embedded across the curriculum, as well as explicitly taught in weekly programmed literacy sessions. Numeracy sessions often have a practical focus in areas such as; counting, money, measurement, graphing, patterning and shape. Processes such as addition and subtraction ,grouping, and sharing are practised using real-life objects, and recorded using mathematical signs and terms.

To support the curriculum each class visits the computer lab on a regular basis to utilize technology as a tool for learning.

Once a week the three classes come together for subject rotations when we experience The Arts, Health, Science and Technology.

Semester One

In Term 1, the Year 2 students at Faith focus on how we are all unique and how to be a friend. Through this we learn about our similarities and differences and how to show respect for others using the 5C’s (Care, Courtesy, Consideration, Common Sense and Commitment). We come to understand that we are all God’s creation and He loves us no matter what we do. We also look at how our bodies work and what we need to do to keep them healthy.

In Term 2 we study native Australian animals. We look at how we can be responsible when caring for these animals. The students develop their research skills by investigating their own animal and presenting their findings to their peers.

Semester Two

Water, water, everywhere! In Term 3 the Year 2 students are getting saturated with water facts and activities. Students learn about the water cycle, the ways in which water is used, and how we can all work together to help save this precious commodity. All students participate in hands on activities, including Science experiments and Art projects that explore the properties and forms of water.

In Term 4 it is time to celebrate! We focus is on celebrations around the world and connecting with our multi-cultural background as Australians. It is a time for reflection and consolidation of all we have learnt during the year as it becomes a celebration of our learning journey through Year 2.