Student Well-Being
Student Well-Being
Pastoral Care is the responsibility of every teacher at Faith Lutheran College. Every teacher in every class is encouraged to build relationships with students based on trust and mutual respect. It is from these relationships that success stems and learning can truly feel personal.
In addition to this distributed responsibility for pastoral care we have other structures in place to provide the care and emotional support our students require:
PCG Time
Pastoral Care Groups meet every morning at 8.30am and their activities include devotional worship, information sharing and general organisation. The PCG teacher is the first point of contact for students and parents of the College and a valuable resource for communication between home and school.
Wellbeing Programs
Special programs are employed at the College to improve our student’s ability to maintain a healthy emotional wellbeing. These include structured lessons, guest speakers and online programs.
Staff to Support Pastoral Care
In addition to the PCG teachers we have the following staff who support our students Emotional Wellbeing:
Miss Kelli Wahry - Year 7 Co-Ordinator
Miss Rachael Vetter – Year 8 Co-Ordinator
Mrs Kelly Sayer - Year 9 and 10 Co-Ordinator
Ms Carly Brooks – Year 11 and 12 Co-Ordinator
Mr Tony Longmire – Deputy Head of Secondary - Wellbeing